What They Are
Because we know that advisory boards are key to a company’s success, we have three of them!
- Accounting Advisory Council
- Management Information Systems Advisory Council
- Business Advisory Council
Each advisory group is composed of business leaders from the surrounding community and beyond who have a passion for mentoring students.

What They Do
Our councils offer input on our curriculum and college initiatives to ensure that we:
- Keep our students apprised of the latest professional trends and practices
- Prioritize the instruction of “soft skills” in accordance with what is truly useful
- Ground our discussions of risk management and business ethics in real-world scenarios
- Deliver our courses via the same technologies businesses are using
Advisors also serve our students directly by offering:
- Information and advice about career options, goal setting and what courses and experiences are most likely to prepare them for success
- Practical, real-world internships that build students’ skills, knowledge and resumes
- Actual employment upon graduation and/or references and help in networking
In addition, by acting as our ambassadors, council members help the College of Business and Economics build strong, symbiotic relationships with members of our larger community.

When They Meet
The councils meet twice during the academic year. However, individual members meet more frequently on an ad hoc basis with the dean and other college faculty leaders to pursue key strategic initiatives.