
The Ashland University International Collaboration Research Center connects talented undergraduate researchers with a worldwide network of social scientists to help tackle some of the largest collaborative projects ever undertaken in psychological science and related fields. To date, the center has collaborated with more than 1,000 researchers in 72 different countries.

Students working in International Collaboration Research Center


We are currently accepting applications for our fall class of AU International Collaboration Research Center Scholars. Students in the program receive an annual $1,000 merit-based, renewable scholarship. Scholars may have any major, but are required to sign up for one credit of Directed Research in Psychology each semester. Scholars meet as a full group with the director each week to discuss research projects, pertinent readings and emerging issues in collaborative research.

Students in Psychology class

Contact Information

Christopher Chartier, Ph.D.
Chair, Criminal Justice and Sociology Department
Chair, Psychology Department
Chair, Social Work and Family Studies Department
Associate Professor of Psychology
Director, International Collaboration Research Center
Founder/Director, Psychological Science Accelerator
241 Dwight Schar College of Education