Topic: Technology
Instructor: Dan Hoffman
Method: Online (OWRK)
Sponsor: AU Northeast Center
Center Offered: SKPD

Course Description:

Designing Cross-Number Puzzles using this concept will allow the teacher to design a lesson for many different grades levels.  The lesson will provide the teacher with a great formative assessment with differentiation. You may create a lesson to cover all of the needs of your students.  It will provide a great amount of flexibility for you and all student learning. This unique approach will allow a student to create their own lesson thus  allows the student to work at their own pace and view their answers quickly.   This lesson allows the student to dynamically create a lesson instead of consuming a lesson.  This amazing instrument will inspire creativity and knowledge. I will assist you anyway I can so that you may take this course with little if any problems .  If you need for me to travel to your school to support you I am capable of doing that.  You will discover videos with examples on the website and also example lessons.  

All lessons must be submitted to me three weeks after signing up for the class.

Before starting the course contact Dan Hoffman at for more information or questions.

Click link below to view course description or access course content.

Course Documents:
Cost: $185
Timespan of Course:
September 1, 2022 to August 31, 2023
Contact E-mail:

Meeting Times

  • Location of Meeting: 
Course Number: EDU*6250*G1
Academic Term: 23/GW
Academic Level: GW
Semester Hours: 1.00
Subject: EDU